Overexpression of CAT2 Represses the Early Senescence Phenotype of WRKY75ox Plants.
(A) The senescence phenotypes of 40-d-old Col-0, WRKY75ox, WRKY75ox/CAT2ox, and CAT2ox plants.
(B) and (C) qRT-PCR analysis of the expression of WRKY75
(B) and CAT2
(C) in the leaves shown in (A). The third and fourth rosette leaves were used. Student’s t test, *P < 0.05 and ***P < 0.001. Data are represented as means ± sd, n = 3. The experiments were performed three times with similar results.
(D) and (E) Measurement of chlorophyll contents (D) and H2O2 contents (E) in the leaves shown in (A). The third and fourth rosette leaves were used. Student’s t test, ***P < 0.001. Data are represented as means ± sd, n = 3. The experiments were performed three times with similar results.