Figure 2.
rAMP is the dominant ribonucleotide in mtDNA of murine solid tissues, the combined result of nucleotide concentrations and the properties of POLG. (A) The proportion of each of the embedded rNMPs in murine liver, brain and heart mtDNA and the base composition of the ‘primary sequence’ of the mouse mitochondrial genome (ChrM). (B) Expected proportions of embedded rNMPs if the sole determinant were: (i) the mtDNA base composition, (ii) the rNTP/dNTP ratio in liver mitochondria (derived from (20)), (iii) the discrimination factor (DF) of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase (POLG) (derived from (21)), both adjusted for the mtDNA sequence; or (iv) if rNMP incorporation was a function of both the POLG DF and the rNTP:dNTP ratio. This ‘composite’ is most similar to the observed proportions for liver (v).