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. 2017 Jun 13;96(4):612–625. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24065

Table 2.

Comparative Overview of Diffusion MRI Models

Modeling approach DWI sampling DWI weighting Metrics Seminal references
ADC S = S 0 e bD Few DWIs; one b=0 and 1 DWI Low ADC Eccles et al., 1988
DTI S = S 0 e b:D Few DWIs; one shell, minimum six directions Low Combinations of λ1, λ2, λ3. e.g. FA, TR, WL, WP Basser et al., 1994
Moderate number of DWIs; two shells Low and moderate only DTI metrics and mean kurtosis, axial and radial kurtosis and KFA Jensen et al., 2005; Tabesh et al., 2011; Glenn et al., 2015
MAP Asymmetric simple harmonic oscillator reconstruction and estimation Moderate to many DWIs; multishell acquisition Low, moderate, and high DTI metrics and non‐Gaussianity, zero‐displacement probabilities, propagator anisotropy, ODFs Özarslan et al., 2013; Avram et al., 2016
DSI Model‐free Many DWIs; Cartesian grid Low, moderate, and high ODFs possible to generate zero‐displacement probabilities Tuch et al., 2003
Q‐ball Model‐free Moderate no. of DWIs; single‐shell HARDI acquisition High ODFs possible to generate zero‐displacement probabilities Tuch, 2004
CHARMED Intra/extra‐axonal compartments modeled by restricted/hindered sheets and cylinders Multishell acquisition Low, moderate, and high Restricted and hindered component fractions; cone of uncertainty Assaf & Basser, 2005
Axcaliber Similar to CHARMED, but with additional modeling of axon diameter Multishell acquisition Low, moderate, and high flexible CHARMED metrics and axon diameter Assaf et al., 2008
NODDI Watson distributed cylinders and sticks Moderate no. of DWIs: multishell acquisition Low, moderate, and high (flexible) Cellular fractions, orientation dispersion index Zhang et al., 2012; Tariq et al., 2016
WMTI Intra/extra‐axonal compartments modeled with the Gaussian part of the DKI model Moderate no. of DWIs; two shells (same as DKI) Low and moderate only Axonal water fraction, intra‐axonal diffusivity, extra‐axonal radial/axial diffusivity, extra‐axonal tortuosity Fieremans et al., 2011
CSD tractography Constrained spherical deconvolution Single‐shell HARDI acquisition High ODFs and tractograms Tournier et al., 2004, 2012

Note: For physical and biophysical dMRI models (column 1, light and dark gray shading, respectively), a summary of the modeling approach (column 2) and acquisition strategy (columns 3 and 4) is given as well as the primary scalar metrics (column 5). Abbreviations: ADC ‐ Apparent Diffusion Coefficient; DWI ‐ diffusion weighted image; DTI ‐ Diffusion Tensor Imaging; TR ‐ Trace; WL ‐ Westin's Linear Anisotropy; WP ‐ Westin's Planar Anisotropy; DKI ‐ Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging; KFA ‐ Kurtosis FA; MAP ‐ Mean Apparent Propagator; ODF ‐ Orientation Distribution Function; DSI ‐ Diffusion Spectrum Imaging; CHARMED ‐ Composite Hindered And Restricted Model of Diffusion; NODDI ‐ Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging; WMTI ‐ White Matter Tract Integrity; CSD ‐ Constrained Spherical Deconvolution; HARDI ‐ High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging.