Individual |
Individual-level privacy violation
Violation of right to freely participate (i.e., coercion)
Violation of right to decide whether one’s personal information is used in research (i.e., secondary subjects concerns)
Individual-level tangible incentive (e.g., money, class credit)
Individual-level intangible incentive (e.g., increased understanding of research process, satisfaction of contributing to broader knowledge)
Group |
Group-level privacy violation (e.g., identifiability of group to consumers of research), resulting in harm to nonparticipants’ relationships, or decreased group cohesion, reduced trust of researchers/interventionists
Findings leveraged against group
Group members participate but group does not receive tangible incentive
Group-level tangible incentive (e.g., money)
Group-level intangible incentive (e.g., recognition from system for having participated)
System |
Society |