Extended Data Figure 3. ON-DGSCs: Differentiation from ON-OFF-DSGCs by unsupervised clustering and projections to accessory optic system.
a, DSGCs can be clustered into two classes (ON and ON-OFF) based on two parameters of Ca2+ responses to moving bars: 1) the latency of the ON peak (relative to the arrival of the bar at the receptive-field; assumes 300 μm field diameter and accounts for cell position within the imaged field); and 2) the slope of decay for 300 msec following the ON peak, a measure of the transience. Each cell is shown by a point colored to represent its posterior probability of belonging to the ON-OFF-DSGC cluster. Most cells are very likely to be one type or the other. b–g, Average Ca2+ signals (ΔF/F ; mean [red] ± s.d. [gray]) evoked by light bar moving in the preferred direction for various samples of DSGCs (ON-OFF-DSGCs: red traces; ON-DSGCs: blue): b, all imaged DSGCs; c, morphologically identified (dye-filled) DSGCs; d, CART-immunopositive DSGCs (comprising mainly N-, D-, and V-type ON-OFF-DSGCs); e-g, DSGCs retrolabeled from three components of the AOS: superior (e) and inferior fasciculi (f) of the AOT, and dorsal division of the MTN (g). See Supplementary Note 10 for additional details. h, Representative morphology of ON-OFF-DSGCs (left) and ON-DSGCs (right) revealed by dye injection after Ca2+ imaging, and illustrated as MIP confocal images, projected onto the retinal plane (top) and an orthogonal one (bottom). ON-OFF-DSGCs stratify about equally in ON and OFF sublaminae; ON-DSGCs mainly in the ON sublamina. i-m, Ca2+ imaging of retrolabeled cells shows ON-DSGCs subtypes project differentially to AOS. Each panel includes DS preferences plotted on a standard flat retina with superimposed best-fitting optic flow for each subtype (left); translatory optic-flow-tuning plots (middle), one for the actual data [top] and a second for the best-fitting model [bottom]); and model-derived weighting coefficients (right), providing an estimate of relative subtype abundance. D- and V-cells selectively innervated the medial terminal nucleus (MTN) (i-k), while T- and N-cells supplied the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT)/dorsal terminal nucleus (DTN) (l). The superior fasciculus of the AOT (SF-AOT) apparently carries only D-cell axons (j), whereas the inferior fasciculus (IF-AOT) and dorsal MTN (MTNd) contain mixed V and D fibers (k) (but see42). Thus, two cardinal translatory axes are separately represented in the AOS, one in the NOT/DTN and the other in the MTN.