Pre-B-ALL arising in CD19Cre/+KrasG12D/+Ink4a/ArfL/+mice most closely resembles human BCR-ABL B-ALL. (A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of gene expression microarray profiles of B-ALL cells from CD19Cre/+KrasG12D/+Ink4a/ArfL/+ mice and purified populations of normal mouse B cells at different stages of differentiation. (B) GSEA summary in indicated human B-ALL subtypes, each compared with all other samples. Color scale represents –log10 FDR from GSEA; positive sign reflects correlation to indicated subtype, negative to all other samples (left). Mountain plots illustrating upregulation of KRAS and our murine tumor signature in human B-ALL cells harboring BCR-ABL translocation (right). (C) GSEA summary in indicated human B-ALL subtypes with RAS mutations as indicated compared with samples with WT RAS. Samples from all RAS mutations combined (all_Ras), excluding patients classified as Ph-like (no_Phlike), only patients harboring CRFL2 rearrangements with (Ph_like_CRLF2) or without Ph-like signature (CRLF2_non_Ph_like), or only patients classified as Ph-like without CRFL2 rearrangements (Ph_like_nonCRLF2). Color scale represents –log10 FDR from GSEA; positive sign reflects correlation to samples with the indicated RAS mutations, negative to those with WT RAS (left). Mountain plots illustrating upregulation of murine tumor signature in human B-ALL cells within indicated group with KRAS mutations (right).