Figure 1.
An example of how the power was calculated for the constant power tests from the incremental treadmill (triangles) tests and cycle (circles) tests. The (solid reference line) was highest on the treadmill test; 80% and 60% were 2168 and 1626 mL minute−1, respectively. Therefore, the power for the cycle endurance tests at 80% and 60% were 134 W (circled 1) and 87 W (circled 2), respectively. The power for the endurance treadmill tests at 80% and 60% was 102 W (circled 3) and 54 W (circled 4), respectively. The respective grade and speed for treadmill exercise was derived from the original protocol. In this case it was 9% grade at 4.2 km hour−1 and 8% grade at 2.9 km hour−1. : peak oxygen uptake; : oxygen uptake.