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. 2017 Nov 2;4(11):e005119. doi: 10.1099/jmmcr.0.005119

Table 1. Summary of the case reports of infective endocarditis (IE) due to Rhodotorula spp. found in the literature (n=9).

Year Country/Reference Age/Sex Risk factors Valve/type* Species Blood culture Valve culture Antifungal
1960 USA/1 47/F Mitral and aortic stenosis from rheumatic fever, dental procedure, indwelling catheter. Ao/Native ns + + None Deceased
1962 USA/13 56/M Diabetes, rheumatic fever, prolonged urinary catheter, decubitus ulcer ns ns + np Amp B Recovered
1969 USA/14 39/M Dental procedure, prolonged urinary catheter, decubitus ulcer Mi/native ns + np Amp B Recovered
1975 Israel/15 7/M Recurrent tonsillitis, tonsillectomy Mi/Ao/native R. pilimanae + np Flucy Recovered
2003 Switzerland/16 53/M Prosthetic valve, antibiotic use, endocarditis Ao/Prosth. R. mucilaginosa + Amp B+Itrac Recovered
2005 Switzerland/17 56/M Cardiac transplant recipient Left Atrium appendice R. glutinis + + Lipos Amp B Recovered
2005 Brazil/18 10/F Central venous catheter Right Atrium appendice R. mucilaginosa n.p. Amp B+Flucy+Rifampicin Recovered
2011 Brazil/19 58/M Coronary stent Ao/Native R. mucilaginosa np* np Amp B Recovered
2014 USA/4 54/F Diabetes, kidney transplant Ao/Bioprosth. R. mucilaginosa + + Lipos AmpB Recovered
2017 Brazil‡ 45/F Kidney transplant Ao/Prosth. R. mucilaginosa + Lipos AmpB Recovered

*Valve/Type: Mi, Mitral; Ao, Aortic; Prosth, Prosthetic; Bioprosth, Bioprosthetic; ns, Not specified; np, Not performed.

†Antifungal therapy: AmpB, Amphotericin B; Flucy, Flucytosine; Amp B+Itrac, Amphotericin B+Itracoconazole; Lipos AmpB, Liposomal Amphotericin B.

‡Case presented in this report.