Fig 8. Analysis of open field locomotor activity test of the effects of sunitinib treatment in Tat tg mice.
Doxycycline (DOX)-dependent GFAP-Tat tg mice were treated with DOX for 2 weeks to express Tat, and then treated with vehicle or sunitinib for 4 weeks. 8 mice were used per group and were 6.5-7.5 months of age when DOX treatment began. (A) Example of the equipment set up for the open field test. (B). Total activity, as measured by the number of beam breaks, was significantly increased in vehicle-treated Tat tg mice compared to non-tg vehicle-treated mice. Treatment with sunitinib significantly decreased total activity in Tat tg mice to levels similar to non-tg vehicle-treated mice. (C) Thigmotaxis was significantly increased in vehicle-treated Tat tg mice compared to vehicle-treated non-tg mice. Sunitinib-treated Tat tg mice had a statistically significant decrease in thigmotaxis compared to vehicle-treated Tat tg mice. Statistical analysis performed using ANOVA followed by post hoc analysis using Dunnett's comparison to vehicle-treated non-tg mice (* = p-value < 0.05) or Tukey-Kramer comparison to Tat vehicle-treated tg mice (# = p-value < 0.05). N = 8 mice per treatment group.