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. 2017 May 29;7(5):e015636. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015636

Table 1.

Data table of principle of paired design for the faecal markers calprotectin and calgranulin C

Faecal calgranulin C
Positive Negative Total
Diagnosis: no IBD
Faecal calprotectin Positive Concordant (v) Discordant (w) v+w
Negative Discordant (x) Concordant (y) x+y
Total v+x w+y N
Diagnosis: IBD
Faecal calprotectin Positive Concordant (r) Discordant (s) r+s
Negative Discordant (t) Concordant (u) t+u
Total r+t s+u N+

Null hypothesis H0 (specificity): w=x; alternative hypothesis H1: w≠x.

Null hypothesis H0 (sensitivity): s=t; alternative hypothesis H1: s≠t.

IBD, inflammatory bowel disease.