Indistinguishable distribution of PrPSc and PrPScΔOR accumulated in the brains of terminally ill WT and Tg(PrPΔOR)/Prnp0/0 mice. Brain slices from uninfected (A) and RML (B)-, 22L (C)-, and BSE (D)-infected terminally ill WT (n = 3 in each mouse group) and Tg(PrPΔOR)/Prnp0/0 (n = 3 in each mouse group) mice were immunohistochemically stained for PrPSc and PrPScΔOR by 6D11 anti-PrP Ab using the HCl autoclaving method. Three sections from each mouse brain were subjected to investigation of PrPSc and PrPScΔOR distribution. Cx, cerebral cortex; Hp, hippocampus; Th, thalamus; Cb, cerebellum. Size bars, 100 μm.