A–CHeatmaps show localization of dysregulated gene expression from NSCs with mutant LRRK2 in the (A) developing cortex (CP) and progenitor zones (IZ, SVZ) of the prenatal human brain, (B) temporal expression predominates in the brain during the late months of development through the years of adulthood, and (C) spatial gene expression in the adult human brain localizes to the mesencephalon (Mes), myencephalon (My), and cerebellum (Cb). CP, Cortical plate; Cx, Cortex; CxN, Subcortical Nuclei; Die, Diencephalon; HPC, Hippocampal Formation; HTS, Hindbrain transient structures; IZ, Intermediate zone; Met, Metencephalon; Mos., Months; MZ, Marginal zone; SG, Subpial granular zone; SP, Subplate zone; SS, Sulci and spaces; SVZ, Subventricular zone; WM, White Matter.