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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Mem Lang. 2017 Aug 25;97:135–153. doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2017.07.008

Table 2.

Bivariate correlations among the individual-difference and comprehension measures.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
1. Orthographic Decision
2. Phonological Decision .52
3. Non-word Naming .26 .20
4. Phoneme Transposition .19 .23 −.10
5. Reading Span .05 −.07 −.12 .17
6. Alphabet Span .14 −.11 −.09 .14 .45
7. Minus Span −.12 −.10 .00 .23 .41 .27
8. Visual Number Span −.03 .10 −.02 .13 .21 .23 .33
9. Go-No-Go .17 −.09 .15 .07 −.11 −.06 .12 −.00
10. Stroop Interference .05 .13 .12 −.09 .01 .02 .00 −.03 −.10
11. Author Recognition Test .18 .22 −.08 .31 .12 .25 .08 .02 −.06 .00
12. Reading Questionnaire .09 .03 −.00 .20 .13 −.00 .04 .04 −.02 .07 .35
13. Cultural Intelligence .17 .32 .21 .28 .26 .28 .16 −.03 .04 −.10 .51 .36
14. Scientist Recognition Test −.10 .18 −.07 .10 .15 .20 .10 −.01 −.03 −.08 .36 .17 .48
15. Extended Range Vocabulary .14 .25 .16 .26 .29 .31 .14 −.01 −.05 −.06 .58 .26 .64 .43
16. Advanced Vocabulary −.09 .20 −.13 .22 .19 .25 .05 −.01 −.05 .15 .46 .28 .57 .36 .67
17. Nelson-Denny Vocabulary .22 .33 .21 .35 .27 .32 .13 −.08 −.06 .15 .58 .37 .71 .37 .73 .61
18. Raven’s Progressive Matrices −.05 .07 .01 .19 .24 .32 .33 .31 −.08 .04 .14 −.02 .12 .14 .22 .14 .18
19. Arithmetic Aptitude Test .16 −.06 −.11 .21 .28 .31 .26 .22 −.02 −.11 .13 −.10 .27 .19 .29 .24 .29 .29
20. Mathematic Aptitude Test −.11 −.06 −.09 .21 .22 .26 .29 .16 .03 −.02 .16 −.02 .39 .21 .35 .26 .32 .28 .71
21. Necessary Arithmetic Operations −.05 −.09 −.11 .25 .31 .33 .32 .11 −.02 −.08 .24 .03 .37 .17 .37 .28 .42 .29 .63 .61
22. Letter Comparison .16 .13 −.10 .13 .10 .12 .09 .06 .01 −.05 .14 .12 .14 .02 .17 .14 .10 .00 .21 .19 .21
23. Finding As .19 .13 −.06 .17 .05 .08 .13 .11 .00 .17 .16 .11 .13 .00 .12 .06 .17 .03 .13 .15 .18 .33
24. Number Comparison .26 −.05 .14 .07 .01 .04 .15 .16 .04 −.11 .03 −.08 −.05 −.05 −.12 −.04 −.05 .04 .25 .21 .17 .23 .38
25. Pattern Comparison .15 −.07 −.05 .06 .12 .04 .08 .03 −.04 −.04 .15 −.06 .12 .14 .18 .12 .15 .06 .03 .09 .11 .00 .11 .04
26. Identical Pictures .16 .15 −.06 .06 .08 .13 .10 .17 .08 .02 .15 .04 .22 .05 .17 .14 .26 .12 .17 .20 .22 .18 .26 .20 .08
27. Word Beginnings .24 .31 −.11 .22 .18 .31 .20 .11 −.05 .16 .24 .06 .33 .18 .36 .32 .42 .08 .25 .26 .24 .17 .27 .12 .17 .19
28. Word Endings .24 .30 .00 .09 .15 .33 .15 .09 −.08 −.02 .23 −.04 .23 .13 .28 .24 .29 .16 .16 .20 .27 .11 .18 .14 .12 .20 .48
29. Word Beginnings & Endings .25 .29 −.13 .18 .19 .28 .14 .09 −.04 −.03 .26 −.06 .29 .21 .37 .28 .39 .15 .24 .22 .22 .01 .16 .12 .18 .16 .44 .44
30. Nelson-Denny Comprehension .30 .34 .19 .29 .17 .16 .18 −.03 .04 .22 .36 .13 .49 .22 .36 .38 .55 .24 .27 .31 .38 .18 .18 .24 .08 .16 .26 .20 .21
31. Investigator-Generated Comprehension −.06 .22 −.11 .26 .35 .34 .27 −.04 −.05 −.04 .37 .21 .50 .31 .59 .47 .57 .27 .29 .35 .36 .10 .12 −.03 .08 .13 .29 .19 .25 .48

Note: Significant correlations (p < 0.05) are shown in bold.