Convergence results for the inversion using our formulation for a near-incompressible diffeomorphism (linear Stokes regularization). We consider the HAND images in Fig. 3. We report results for our original preconditioner (PREG; RK2A scheme with a CFL number of 0.2) and the proposed preconditioner (P2L; SL scheme with a CFL number of 5; CHEB method with a fixed number of 10 iterations). We terminate the inversion if the change in the ℓ∞-norm of the reduced gradient
, k = 1, 2, …, is at least two orders of magnitude or if the ℓ∞-norm of
is smaller or equal to 1E−5. We report (i) the relative change of the reduced gradient ‖g★‖rel, (ii) the relative change of the residual ‖r‖rel (L2-distance between mR and m1), (iii) the number of outer iterations, (iv) the number of Hessian matvecs, (v) the time to solution, and (vi) the speedup compared to our original scheme.