Figure 1.
Maximum-likelihood tree of 139 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates from Djibouti. The tree was calculated by using the general time reversible substitution model with gamma distribution and bootstrap resampling based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified by whole-genome sequencing. Substitution models were tested and the tree generated by using MetaPiga software version 3.1 and the maximum-likelihood ratio test. Midpoint rooting was performed. Distinct colors were chosen for the lineages identified; the Coll-nomenclature inferred from the whole-genome sequencing data. MDR-TB strains resistant to second line injectable drugs are highlighted in bold. Asterisks indicate clustered MDR-TB isolates from patients aged ≥55 years. Clusters with rifampicin resistant isolates are indicated as RR, while clusters with rifampicin susceptible isolates are indicated as RS. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site.