Figure 3. Cell proliferative curves and survival rate of QGP-1 and NIT-1 cells with or without knockdown of PCK2 or Pck2 and treatment of mTOR inhibitors, rapamycin or RAD001.
(A) The cell proliferative rate was reduced by RAD001 and rapamycin for both QGP-1 and NIT-1 cells infected with vector control (shLuc). The cell proliferative rate of QGP-1 and NIT-1 cells was further decreased by RAD001 or rapamycin when PCK2 was knocked down (shPCK2 and shPck2). (B) The survival rate of QGP-1 and NIT-1 cells treated with RAD001 or rapamycin for 3 days is shown. The survival of QGP-1/shPCK2 was significantly poorer than that of QGP-1/shLuc in low and higher dose of RAD001 or rapamycin. The similar result was also seen in NIT-1 cells. T test, * P<0.05.