(A–B) Schematic of constitutively active Src(Y529F) and Fyn(Y528F) mutations resulting in loss of myristoylation and gain or loss of palmitoylation sites. Gly2 was mutated to Ala (loss of myristoylation site) in constitutively active Src(Y529F) or Fyn(Y528F) kinases. Ser3 and Ser6 sites of Src(Y529F) were mutated to Cys (gain of palmitoylation sites), and the Cys3 and Cys6 sites of Fyn(Y528F) were mutated to Ser (loss of palmitoylation sites). (C-D) The in vivo prostate regeneration assay was performed with the Src(Y529F) or Fyn(Y528F) and acylation mutants (RFP marker). Representative images of regenerated prostate tissue and RFP detection. Scale bar, 2 mm. (E–F) Representative H&E, RFP fluorescence, and IHC staining of CK5 (basal mark, red)/CK8(luminal mark, green)/DAPI (nucleus staining), and Src kinase or Fyn kinase in the regenerated tissues. Scale bar, 100 µm.