Figure 3.
Invariance of temporal scaling coefficients of muscle components. A-D: Color matrices summarize pairwise correlation coefficients between temporal scaling coefficients for the first four components extracted from data recorded during each of the 8 task conditions in monkeys. L, U, R, and D: left, up, right, down target locations, respectively; PR, WH: precision and whole-hand tasks, respectively. Note scale of color bar: -1 to C1. Scaling coefficients for component 1 (A) and component 3 (C) were conserved well across tasks and across monkeys. Scaling coefficients for component 2 (B) were relatively conserved within an animal for a given grasp type; results were mixed for comparisons across animals. Activation waveforms for component 4 (D, in monkey W only) were more strongly correlated for a given grasp type than across grasp types.