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. 2017 Jul 2;7(6):e013211. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013211

Table 2.

Demographic characteristics of NPC cases and controls

Categories NPC cases (N1=200), n (%) Controls (N2=200),
n (%)
p Value†
Early stage (n=33) Advanced stage (n=167) p Value* Total
Gender 0.472 0.417
 Male 27 (81.8) 127 (76.0) 154 (77.0) 147 (73.5)
 Female 6 (18.2) 40 (24.0) 46 (23.0) 53 (26.5)
Age (years) 0.299 0.785
 ~30 6 (18.2) 47 (28.1) 53 (26.5) 47 (23.5)
 ~40 13 (39.4) 70 (41.9) 83 (41.5) 87 (43.5)
 ~50 14 (42.4) 50 (29.9) 64 (32.0) 66 (33.0)
Smoking‡ 0.857 0.746
 Yes 11 (33.3) 53 (31.7) 64 (32.0) 61 (30.5)
 No 22 (66.7) 114 (68.3) 136 (68.0) 139 (69.5)
Drinking§ 0.641 0.494
 Yes 6 (18.2) 25 (15.0) 31 (15.5) 27 (13.5)
 No 27 (81.8) 142 (85.0) 169 (84.5) 173 (86.5)
NPC family history¶ 0.732 0.224
 Yes  3 (9.1)  13 (7.8)  16 (8.0)  10 (5.0)
 No 30 (90.9) 154 (92.2) 184 (92.0) 190 (95.0)

*Differences in early-stage and advanced-stage NPC were compared by χ2 tests (Fisher’s exact test for NPC family history). p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

†Differences in NPC cases and controls were compared by χ2 tests. p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

‡Smoking refers to people who smoked more than one cigarette every 3 days within half a year and included current and former smokers.


Drinking refers to people who consumed alcoholic beverages every week within half a year and included current and former drinkers.

NPC family history refers to people whose parents, children and siblings have or did have NPC.

NPC, nasopharyngeal carcinoma.