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. 2017 Jul 2;7(6):e013974. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013974

Table 2.

Lifestyle factors, body function, activity, participation and health-related quality of life at baseline (n=123)

Lifestyle behavioural factors
Body mass index (kg/m2)* 27 (5.5)—26 (23; 29)
AUDIT-C (0–12)† 2.2 (1.4)—2.0 (1.0; 3.0)
Smoking [% (n/n)]
 Never smoked 40% (49/123)
 Previously smoked 36% (44/123)
 Currently smoking 20% (25/123)
 Currently snuffing 4% (5/123)
Sleep quantity (% (n/n))‡
 Certainly enough 14% (17/123)
 Broadly enough 47% (58/123)
 Some shortage 24% (29/123)
 Clearly insufficient 15% (19/123)
Sleep quality (% (n/n))§
 Very good 19% (23/121)
 Quite good 51% (62/121)
 Quite bad 21% 25/121)
 Very bad 9% (11/121)
SCI-93¶ 36 (21)—35 (19; 51)
LTPAI, hours per week (n=122)** 7.8 (8.5)—6.0 (3.4; 9.0)
Body function
 Pain localisations (0–18)†† 4.6 (3.2)—4.0 (2.0; 6.0)
 Pain intensity (VAS 0–100 mm)‡‡ 45 (27)—45 (24; 68)
 Fatigue (VAS 0–100 mm)‡‡ 53 (29)—53 (28; 75)
 6MWT (m) (n=121) 572 (86)—581 (515; 633)
 Hand grip strength (N) 232 (76)—237 (184; 285)
 HADS-A (0–21)§§ 6.4 (4.4)—5.0 (3.0; 9.0)
 HADS-D (0–21)§§ 4.3 (3.6)—3.0 (1.0; 7.0)
Activity (n=121)
 RMDQ (0-24)¶¶ 8.4 (4.8)—7.0 (4.0; 12)
 Work ability (yes) (% (n/n)) 79% (97/123)
Environmental factors
 Private social support (4–20)*** 16 (3.5)—17 (14; 19)
Health-related quality of life (n=122)
 PCS (0–100)††† 38 (9.9)—39 (31; 47)
 MCS (0–100)††† 46 (13)—49 (37; 56)

*First figure mean values (SD). Second figure median values (25th; 75th percentile).

†The AUDIT-C, three items. Higher scores reflect higher alcohol consumption (0–12).

‡One item: ‘Do you think you get enough sleep?’

§One item: ‘On the whole, how do you think you sleep?’

¶Higher scores indicate more severe clinical stress symptoms (0–140).

**LTPAI assesses the total hours of physical activity in leisure time during a typical week.

††Self-reported pain locations registered by a figure with predefined body locations (0–18).

‡‡Perceived pain intensity, fatigue over the last week rated on a VAS (0–100). Higher values indicate more pain, fatigue.

§§Higher scores indicate more anxiety (0–21) and depression (0–21).

¶¶RMDQ indicates disability related to low back pain (0–24) at baseline. Higher scores indicate more severe disability.

***Medical Outcome Study Social Support Survey (four-item scale) reflects private social support ranging from 1 to 5. Higher scores reflect more perceived support (4-20).

†††SF-36. The PCS score (0–100) and MCS score (0–100).

6MWT, 6 min walk test; AUDIT-C, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; HADS-A and HADS-D, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; LTPAI, leisure time physical activity instrument; MCS, mental component summary; PCS, physical component summary; RMDQ, Roland Morris disability questionnaire; SCI-93, Stress and Crisis Inventory; SF-36, short-form health survey; VAS, visual analogue scale.