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. 2015 Dec 31;12(1):41–51. doi: 10.1177/1557988315623993

Table 1.

Demographic Information.

Percentage of total (N = 2,296) Mean traditional symptoms index score Mean male-typical symptoms index score
Total 100.0 2.10 1.98
Age (years)
 18-30a 26.9 1.76 2.19
 31-55a 52.1 2.49 2.09
 >55 21.1 1.55 1.44
Marital status
 Married/cohabiting 61.9 1.87 1.86
 Divorced/separated/widoweda 14.7 3.07 2.22
 Never married 23.4 2.09 2.13
Education (years)
 <12a 16.1 1.85 2.13
 12 29.5 2.09 2.01
 13-15 28.3 2.20 2.12
 16+a 25.6 2.16 1.68
 Non-Hispanic Whitea 75.8 2.14 1.95
 African Americana 10.8 1.67 2.06
 Hispanic 8.8 2.14 2.02
 Other 4.6 2.38 2.21
Employment status
 Employed 72.5 2.02 2.00
 Unemployed 2.2 1.67 1.38
 Not in labor forcea 25.2 2.37 1.96
 Protestant 48.2 2.03 1.89
 Catholic 23.2 1.91 1.85
 Other religion 8.4 2.35 1.96
 No religion 19.9 2.38 2.34
 0-30,000 26.0 2.13 2.06
 30,001-70,000 38.8 2.17 2.05
 70,001-200,000 31.0 1.99 1.83
 200,000+ 4.2 2.02 1.89
 Northeast 18.6 2.00 1.98
 Midwest 29.0 2.16 1.96
 South 31.1 1.88 1.88
 Westa 21.3 2.43 2.14

Significant difference in mean scores, p < .05.