A) The percentages of G1, S, and G2/M cells with at least one Rad52-GFP focus are shown for CCY232 (isogenic to the E17 wild-type Strand-seq strain, except with
RAD52-GFP) grown in the presence of thymidine or BrdU for 90 min (thymidine: G1 = 18/1058, S = 32/404.5, G2/M = 25.5/240.5; BrdU: G1 = 10.5/1009, S = 37.5/415, G2/M = 35/275). Numbers are averages of cells counted by two people independently. (
B) As an additional control, the percentages of G1, S, and G2/M cells with at least one Rad52-GFP focus were determined for CCY234 (a wild-type ‘non-Strand-seq’ strain that expresses Rad52-GFP; G1 = 9.5/823, S = 31/240, G2/M = 13.5/318.5), and are similar to previously published data (
Lisby et al., 2001). Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. P-values were calculated using Fisher’s exact test.