Figure 1. Cephalometric landmarks.
The following points were identified on lateral cephalograms. Points: S (sella) = the midpoint of the pituitary fossa), N (nasion) = the most anterior point on the frontonasal suture, ANS (anterior nasal spine) = the tip of the median, sharp bony process of the maxilla at the lower margin of the anterior nasal opening, A (Point A) = the deepest midline concavity on the anterior maxilla, B (Point B) = the deepest midline concavity on the mandibular symphysis, Pg (pogonion) = the most anterior point on the contour of the bony chin determined by a tangent through the nasion, Me (menton) = the intersection of the bony inferior symphysis with the inferior margin of the mandibular body, Go (gonion) = the constructed point of the intersection of the ramus plane and the tangent to the body of the mandible, Ar (articulare) = the point of intersection of the inferior cranial base surface and the averaged posterior surfaces of the mandibular condyles. Planes: SN (sella-nasion line) = the line through the sella and nasion, MP (mandibular plane according to Steiner) = the line through the gonion and gnathion, U1 (upper incisor line) = the line through the upper incisor apex and the upper incisor incisal edge, L1 (lower incisor line) = the line through the lower incisor apex and the lower incisor incisal edge. Linear measurements: OJ (overjet) = horizontal projection of maxillary teeth beyond the mandibular anterior teeth, usually measured parallel to the occlusal plane, OB (overbite) = vertical overlap of maxillary teeth over mandibular anterior teeth, usually measured perpendicular to the occlusal plane.