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. 2017 Oct 10;232(1):134–145. doi: 10.1111/joa.12707

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Gross anatomy of the extrahepatic biliary system in the mouse and rat. (A,A′) The morphology of the whole hepatobiliary system of the mouse. (B,B′) The morphology of the whole hepatobiliary system of the rat. (C,D) Anatomy of the hepatobiliary system of the mouse (C) and rat (D). The gallbladder and cystic duct are coloured in dark green, the hepatopancreatic duct is light green, and the other bile ducts are middle green. The arrowhead indicates the branching point of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct. The grey arrows indicate the directions of the portal veins that supply the liver lobes., arteria cystica;, arteria gastroduodenalis; a.gsac, arteria gastrica sinistra accessoria; a.he, arteria hepatica communis; a.hed, arteria hepatica dextra; a.hep, arteria hepatica propria; a.hes, arteria hepatica sinistra; cbd, common bile duct; cd, cystic duct; chd, common hepatic duct; CP, caudate process of the caudate lobe; diaph, diaphragm; duo, duodenum; dup, duodenal papilla; eso, oesophagus; gb, gallbladder; hd, hepatic duct; hpd, hepatopancreatic duct; LLL, left lateral lobe; LML, left medial lobe; pc, pancreas; pd, pancreatic duct; PP, papillary process of the caudate lobe; RLL, right lateral lobe; RML, right medial lobe; st, stomach; verte, vertebrae. Scale bar: 1 cm. [Correction added on 24 October 2017, after first online publication: the abbreviations cited on this figure was added on figure caption]