Figure 5. Pharyngeal neurons of different categories or location show distinct patterns of axonal projections in the subesophageal zone (SEZ).
(A) Axonal projections of pharyngeal GRNs labeled by different GAL4/LexA drivers in the SEZ in wild type (w1118) flies. Annotations in top right corners of each image indicate a single optical section (single z) to examine reporter co-localization, or compressed z-stacks (z stack) for comparison. Neuropil is stained with anti-nc82 (blue). In all panels, scale bar: 50 μm.
(B) Axonal projections labeled by Gr61a-GAL4 (green) and Gr43a-LexA (magenta) in the SEZ in poxn (poxnΔM22-B5/poxn70) flies. Note the presence of intact olfactory projections to antennal lobes through labial nerves labeled by Gr43a-LexA in poxn mutants. Neuropil is stained with anti-nc82 (blue). scale bar: 50 μm.
(C) Axonal projections labeled by Gr33a-GAL4 (green) and Gr32a-LexA (magenta) in the SEZ in poxn (poxnΔM22-B5/poxn70) flies. Neuropil is stained with anti-nc82 (blue). scale bar: 50 μm.