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. 2016 Apr 29;15(2):127–144. doi: 10.1177/1534735416628343

Table 4.

Characteristics of Studies on the Association Between Diet and BD.

Author, Year Study Design Study Population (n) Diet/BD Assessment Age Food Species of Interest Dietary Assessment Outcome Significant Results Adjustments
Bérubé et al,72 2005 CSS ● Postmenopausal women: n = 783
● Premenopausal women: n = 777
● Postmenopausal women: 61.8 years
● Premenopausal women: 46.7 years
Dietary and supplemental VD and Ca Food questionnaire (661 items) PMD (computer-assisted approach ● Premenopausal: 8.5% BD decreases with 1000 mg and 400 IU intake of Ca and VD (P ≤ .004)
Postmenopausal women: null
Smoking status, alcohol, PA, OC use, age, age at menarche, BMI, education, age at first full-term and number of full-term births, ethnicity, FH of BC (first-degree relatives), previous breast biopsies
Masala et al,73 2006 CSS Mediterranean women–EPIC Florence section; n = 1668 (Italy) Premenopausal, perimenopausal, and postmenopausal women Ca and VD; cheese; vegetables Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ; 160 items) Wolfe’s method (P2 + DY vs N1 + P1) BD inversely associated with vegetables, cheese, VD, and Ca; P < .05 BMI, age, education, total energy, menopausal status, Ca, and VD
Vachon et al,74 2000 CSS MBCFSC; n = 1508 (United States, NH-White) 61.4 years Polyunsaturated fat, vitamins E and C, saturated fat, total diary intake FFQ (153 items) PMD (visual assessment) Null association for polyunsaturated fat, vitamins E and C; P < .05 for saturated fat, total diary intake Smoking status, OC use, alcohol, energy, age, age at menarche, BMI, age at first full-term birth and number of full-term births, FH of BC, HRT.
Nordevang et al,75 1993 CSS BC patients; n = 238 (Sweden) 57.5 years Ca Interview of dietary history with 4 months of BC diagnosis Wolfe’s method (P2 + DY vs N1 + P1) Mammographic pattern: low Ca intake is associated with P2 and Dy patterns ER status, BMI, age
Diorio et al,77 2006 CSS Premenopausal women; n = 771 (Canada) <46 years If smoker and <48 years if nonsmoker Dietary and supplemental Ca and VD Food questionnaire PMD (computer-assisted method) PMD (food and supplement)
● VD: β = −1.4
● Ca: β = −1.9
PMD (food only)
● VD: β = −1.8
● Ca: β = −1.8
● (P = .002)
Age, age at menarche, age at first full-term birth, number of full-term births, alcohol, total energy, BMI, FH of BC (first- degree relative), breast biopsies, past use of HRT and OC, PA, education
Bérubé et al,76 2004 CSS Premenopausal and postmenopausal women with extreme densities; n = 543 (United States) ● PMD ≤30%: 51 years
● PMD ≥70%: 46 years
Dietary Ca and VD Food questionnaire (232 items) PMD (visual assessment) BD (ORQ4 vs Q1)
● VD: P = .0005
Ca: P = .0006
Smoking status, alcohol, PA, OC use age, age at menarche, BMI, education, age at first full-term gestation, number of full-term gestations combined, FH of BC, menopausal status, and use of HRT
Bertone-Johnson et al,78 2010 CSS MDAS: WHI; n = 808 postmenopausal (United States NH-White, Black, other races) 50-79 years Dietary and supplemental Ca and VD Supplement inventory + food questionnaire (122 items) PMD (computer-assisted approach) Null Smoking, alcohol, PA, OC use and duration of use, previous HRT use and duration, MV use, parity, age at menarche, BMI, age, ethnicity, Gail risk
Knight et al,79 2006 CSS MBCFSC; n = 487 (United States, NH-White) 56.4 years Dietary Ca and VD—25(OH)D FFQ TDA, PMD (Cumulus) Null Age, BMI, PA, parity, age at first birth
Brisson et al,26 1989 CCS NBSS
● Cases: n = 290
● Controls: n = 645
40-62 years Dietary fats; vegetables (carotenoid) FFQ (114 items) Wolfe’s method (P2 + DY vs N1 + P1) and visual assessment ● Increased BD with dietary fat (P > .05)
Lower BD with carotenoid intake (P < .05)
Education, age, parity, body weight, energy
Tseng et al,84 2007 CSS Women with FH of BC and ovarian cancer; n = 157 (United States, NH-White) 50 years Ca and VD FFQ (126 items) PMD (visual assessment) PMD; VD intakeT3 vs T1: OR = 0.5; 95% CI = 0.2-1.1 Age, age at menarche, menopausal status, HRT Hx, FH of category, calorie intake, BMI
Sala et al,82 2000 CCS EPIC-Norfolk
● Cases: n = 203
Controls: n = 203
59 years Dietary fats, carbohydrates and proteins Seven-day record Wolfe’s method (P2 + DY vs N1 + P1) Null for dietary fats; high BD for carbohydrates and proteins intake (P = .04) Parity, BMI, menopausal status, HRT
Nagata et al,80 2005 CSS Japanese women; n = 601 (Japan) ● Premenopausal women: 42.6 years
● Postmenopausal women: 57.8 years
Dietary fats; carbohydrates FFQ (169 items) PMD (fully automated method) ● Dietary fats Postmenopausal: positively associated; P > .05
● Premenopausal: null
Carbohydrates: inversely associated with BD; P = .03
● Premenopausal: BMI, age, smoking status, number of births, breastfeeding Hx
Postmenopausal: education, age, BMI, age at menopause, total energy
Qureshi et al,81 2011 CSS NBCSP; n = 2252 (Norway) 58 years Protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, total fat, saturated fat FFQ (180 items) AD and PMD; computer-assisted approach Null for protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber; high BD with total fat intake (P = .10) and saturated fat (P = .06) Age at menarche, age at mammography, age at full-term birth, number of pregnancies, BMI, HRT, education, total energy
Knight et al,83 1999 RCT ● Entry: premenopausal
● Follow-up: postmenopausal
n = 78 (Canada)
● Intervention: 49.5 years
● Controls: 49.2 years
Low-fat, high CHO interventions vs control (2 years) 3 Food records PMD, ADT (automated approach) ● Mean decrease in DA: −11.0 vs −4.5 cm2; P = .004
Decrease in percentage density: −11.0% vs −5.2%; P = .025
Age, FH, age at menarche, parity, age at first birth, OC use, PA, breastfeeding, total energy, weight change
Bertone-Johnson et al,85 2012 RCT WHI ca + D trial; n = 330 postmenopausal women (United States) ● Intervention: 61.8 years
● Controls: 62.0 years
Daily supplementation of 400 IU of VD and 1000 mg of Ca (1 year) FFQ (122 items) PMD (computer-assisted approach) Null Total VD, age, ethnicity, HT treatment, BMI, residence region, Gail risk score, baseline BD
Martin et al,29 2009 RCT Women with PMD ≥ 50%; n = 461 (Canada) ● Intervention: 48.7 years
● Controls: 48.6 years
Low-fat, high CHO interventions Food records PMD, DA, TBA NDA (computer assisted) Null FH of BC, HRT use, OC use, dietary fats, and postmenopausal status
Boyd et al,25 1997 RCT PMD ≥ 50%; n = 817 (Canada) ● Intervention: 46.5 years
● Controls: 45.9 years
Low-fat, high CHO diet interventions (2 years) Food records (3 days) PMD (automated approach) Intervention 6.1% vs control (2.1%); P = .01 Menopausal status, weight, age, grouping
Maskarinec et al,88 2003 RCT Isoflavone trials; n = 30 (Hawaii) 35-46 years 100 mg Of isoflavone mixture/d for 12 months Tablet counts and urinary isoflavone excretion PMD (computer-assisted approach) Null Race, weight, BD ≥40%
Maskarinec et al,31 2004 RCT n = 220 (Caucasians, Asians and others) Hawaii ● Intervention: = 43.2 ± 3.1 years
● Control: 42.8 ± 2.9 years
2 Daily servings of soy for 2 years Validated soy questionnaire, urinary isoflavone excretions PMD (computer-assisted approach BD reduction of 3.14%/year at least 1 serving/wk (insignificant BD change) Ethnicity, age, group status, place of birth, number of children, %BD at baseline
Atkinson et al,86 2004 RCT NHSBSP; n = 205 (United Kingdom) 49–65 years Red clover–derived isoflavone tablet/d for 12 months Urinary isoflavone excretions PMD (Wolfe classification, visual assessment) Null Menopausal status, age at baseline, BMI, genotype
Verheus et al,89 2008 RCT DPBCSP; n = 202 (Netherlands) 60-75 years 99 mg isoflavone/d for 1year Intake of 36.5 g of soy powder/d PMD (computer assisted) Null Equol status, %BD at baseline
Maskarinec et al,87 2009 RCT OPUS; n = 406 (United States, Greece) 40-60 years 80 Or 120 mg/d of isoflavone for 2 years FFQ, pill counts, blood isoflavone measurement PMD (computer-assisted method) Null Age, BMI
Tseng et al,91 2013 LS Chinese immigrants; n = 436 (United States) 36-58 years 25 to 30 mg/d of isoflavone for 3 days 48-Hour dietary recall, urinary isoflavone excretions PMD (computer-assisted method) Null; PMD for Equol vs non–equol producers: 31.8 vs 35.3, respectively Sociodemographic characteristics, dietary intake, equol status, equol dose
Jones et al,28 2015 CSS DISC; n = 172 (United States) 25-29 years Dietary energy density 24-Hour dietary recalls %DBV, ADBV (MRI) 25.9% (95% CI = 6.2% to 56.8%) increase in %DBV (P < .01) Race, smoking status, education, parity, duration of sex hormone use, whole body percentage fat, childhood BMI, and energy from beverage, fat, and alcohol
Masala et al,90 2013 CSS EPIC-Florence; n = 1668 (Italy) Not specified Carbohydrate intake Self-administered FFQ PMD (Wolfe classification, visual assessment) ● BD increase: OR = 1.73, 95% CI = 1.13-2.67
● Simple sugar: OR = 1.71; 95% CI = 1.13-2.59
Age, education, BMI, menopause, number of children, breastfeeding, physical activity, non–alcohol energy, fibers, saturated fat, and alcohol
Voevodina et al,92 2013 CSS n = 424 (Germany) 21-84 years; Premenopausal and postmenopausal Mediterranean diet and M-M supplements Self-administered FFQ PMD (BI-RADS) OR for lower BD
● Mediterranean diet: 0.95; P < .05
● M-M supplements:
● Premenopausal: 0.53; P > .05
Postmenopausal: 0.51; P < .05
Age, age at menarche, age at first birth, number of live births, PA, alcohol, smoking status, menopausal status, education, HRT, OCs, Hx of BC, breastfeeding
Bérubé et al,24 2008 CSS Premenopausal and postmenopausal women; n = 1560 (Canada) ● Mean age Postmenopausal = 61.8 years
Premenopausal = 46.7 years
Diet and multivitamin multimineral, and individual vitamin and mineral supplement use Self-administered FFQ PMD, Cumulus BD
● Increase in premenopausal (P for trend = .04)
● Postmenopausal: null
(P for trend = .40)
Smoking status, alcohol, PA, OC use, age, age at menarche, BMI, education, age at first full-term birth and number of full-term births, ethnicity, FH of BC (first-degree relatives), previous breast biopsies
Vachon et al,93 2005 CSS MBCFSC; n = 1575 (NH-white, United States) <18 years/60.4 years Alcohol Follow-up questionnaire PMD (Cumulus) Null Age, age at menarche, age at first birth, number of live births, HRT, BMI, smoking status, education, oral OC use, menopausal status, alcohol
Sellers at al,64 2007 MBCFSC; n = 1552(NH-white, United States) 12-13 years/60.4 years Chicken and fish, vegetables, fruits, high-fat meats, animal fat, dairy, high-fat foods, high-fat snacks and desserts Questionnaire (retrospective recall) PMD (Cumulus) Null Age at menarche, parity, age at first birth, smoking history, education, OC use, HRT use, menopausal status, alcohol intake
Mishra et al,94 2008 PCS MRC NSHD; n = 979 (Britain) 4/51.5 years Dietary VD and Ca Maternal recall of child’s diet within 1-24 hours ADT, ANDT, PMD (Cumulus) Null BMI, age at menarche, parity, energy, smoking status, adult SES
Tseng et al,68 2011 CSS Chinese-American immigrant; n = 201 (United States, Asian) 12-17/53.1 years Green vegetables, fruits, tofu, beef, pork Questionnaire (Retrospective recall) BI-RADS OR 95% CI for high BD
● Red meat: 3.0%; P = .003
● Tofu and fruits: 1.6%; P = .39
Vegetables: null
Age, BMI, level of acculturation, age at first live birth, number of live births, adult dietary intake
Mishra et al,95 2011 PCS MRC NSHD; n = 792
4 years/51.5 years Dietary patterns at age 4:
(a) Fried potatoes and fish (b) Breads and fats (c) Milk, biscuits, and fruits
Maternal recall of child’s diet within 1-24 hours ADT, ANDT, PMD (Cumulus Null BMI at 53 years, age at menarche, parity, energy, age at mammogram, HRT, mammographic view, smoking status, adult SES, PA, social class, dietary pattern
Dorgan et al,27 2010 CSS (RCT follow-up) DISC; premenopausal women; n = 182 (United States, NH-White 25-29 years Low-fat diet long-term effect assessment 3-24 Hour dietary recalls VDT and PMD (MRI) Null Age at randomization, race, education, BMI-Z score, percentage body fat, age at visit, smoking status, clinic, number of full-term gestations, hormonal contraceptives, PA at age 14-17 years and during the past year
Haars et al,96 2010 CSS DOM-project; n = 356 (Holland) 10-18/53 years Short-term energy restriction Exposure to hunger, cold, and weight loss (retrospective recalls of 1944-1945 Dutch famine) PMD, NDT, DT, BS (visual mammographic assessment) Null Menopausal status, parity, BMI, and age at mammography

Abbreviations: BD, breast density; CSS, cross-sectional study; VD, vitamin D; PMD, percentage mammographic density; PA, physical activity; OC, oral contraceptive; BMI, body mass index; FH, family history; BC, breast cancer; EPIC, European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer; MBCFSC, Minnesota Breast Cancer Family Study cohort; NH-Whites, Non-Hispanic Whites; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; ER, estrogen receptor; MDAS WHI, Mammogram Density Ancillary Study of the Women’s Health Initiative; MV, multivitamins; TDA, total dense area; NBSS, National Breast Screening Study; RCT, randomized controlled trial; TBA, total breast area; AD, absolute density; Hx, history; ADT, area of dense tissue; NDA, nondense area; NHSBSP, National Health Service Breast Screening Programme; DPBCSP, Dutch Population-Based Breast Cancer Screening Programme; OPUS, osteoporosis prevention using soy; LS, longitudinal study; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; M-M, multivitamin-multimineral; BI-RADS, Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System; PCS, prospective cohort study; SES, socioeconomic status; CHO, carbohydrates; NBCSP, Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program DISC, dietary intervention study in children; DBV, dense breast volume; ADBV, absolute dense breast volume; MRC NSHD; Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development; ADT, area of dense tissue; ANDT, area of non-dense tissue; VDT, volume of dense tissue NDT, non-dense tissue; DT, dense tissue; BS, breast size.