TET2cKO T cells have intact effector function in response to acute LCMV infection. LCMV-specific responses were assessed on D8 p.i. in control and TET2cKO mice. A) Left, representative flow cytometric analysis of gp33 and CD44 on TCRβ+CD8+ splenocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from control and TET2cKO mice. Right, frequency and absolute number of gp33+CD8+ T cells per spleen and 104 PBMCs. Plots are gated on live, CD8+TCRβ+ lymphocytes. B–C) Representative plots of intracellular TNFα, IFNγ and CD107a expression (top) and frequencies (bottom) of indicated cell populations in CD8+ splenocytes stimulated ex vivo with indicated LCMV-specific peptides. Data representative of n=9/control, 12/TET2cKO, 3 independent experiments (A) or n=4/control, 8/TET2cKO, 2 independent experiments (B,C). *p<0.05, **p<0.01 unpaired t-test.