Epidemiological |
Monitoring and assessing physical activity
Real-time, continuous assessment of PA over long periods of time, in large samples.
Observe natural changes in PA through the disease course.
Understanding context and correlates of PA
Understand who is more or less likely to be physically activity in different contexts.
Better understand PA preferences, frequency, intensity and duration in different contexts.
Aggregated with other data sources to understand predictors and outcomes of activity behavior.
Understanding individual disease trajectories
Understand how activity patterns change pre-diagnosis, and as a result of different treatments or disease progression.
Provide insight into disease progression.
Identify potentially more effective timing, targets and subgroups for intervention.
Understand whether predictors and outcomes of PA vary by patient or disease characteristics.
Aggregate wearable data with other data sources to develop models to predict outcomes of interest (e.g., adverse events, disease progression, and functional decline).
Data could be used as a proxy of overall health status to help inform clinical treatment decision making.