Figure 2. RUNX2-I is the isoform present in the chick heart during EMT.
A. Lateral view of a stage 18 chicken embryo processed for whole-mount in situ hybridization using a probe recognizing chicken RUNX2. There is expression of RUNX2 in the limb buds (arrowhead) and in the heart, including the AVC region (arrows). The inset shows a dissect heart for better visualization. B. Schematic representation of RUNX2 gene. Transcription of RUNX2-II, the bone specific isoform, starts at the distal promoter P1. Transcription of RUNX2-I starts at the proximal promoter P2. RUNX2-II was amplified using primers that produced a 370bp product whereas RUNX2-I was amplified using primers that produced a 331bp product. C. RT-PCR analysis of total RNA from E13 chick wing tissue (a), stage 17 embryos (b) and stage 17 hearts (c) shows RUNX2-II (top lane) is expressed only in E13 chicken wing cells (a) while RUNX2-I (middle lane) is expressed in chicken wing cells (a), stage 17 embryos (b) and stage 17 hearts (c). Bottom lane shows GAPDH expression (122bp) as loading control.