Figure 1.
Afh mutants show lengthening of work-for-food circadian period. (a) Double plotted actograms of the nose-poke activity for a wild type (left panel) and the Afh homozygous mouse (right panel). The gray shadowed region represents the dark phase in LD condition and is followed by DD. Vertical black bars describe bouts of nose-poking activity for 15 min. bin. (a) Mean ± SEM period during LD (white histogram) and DD (gray histogram) for +/+ (n = 6; LD: 24.1 ± 0.32, DD: 24.2 ± 0.07) and Afh/Afh (n = 6; LD: 23.9 ± 0.31, DD: 26.8 ± 0.68) mice. (**p < 0.005 One-way ANOVA). (c) A measure of the period strength for wild type (black line) and homozygous (gray line) mutant mice in LD (left panel) and DD (right panel) phases. Mean ± SEM distributions of the correlation coefficient between periodic fit and actograms for increasing values of period. (c) The alpha represents the length of the segment of the daily activity.