Fig. 1.
Incidence rate ratios for first-episode psychosis (FEP) by generation status and broad ethnic group. Overall there was evidence that FEP risk by generation status varied by ethnic group (LRT-χ2P-value for interaction between ethnicity and generation status on 3 degrees of freedom: χ2 = 9.2; P = .03). Thus, compared with the UK-born white British group, rates were raised to a similar extent for first- and later-generation black and Pakistani and Bangladeshi groups, with no statistically significant differences in risk by generation (supplementary table 3). For non-British white and other ethnic groups, excess rates were confined to later-generation groups. Foreign-born white British groups and first generation “other” ethnic groups were at significantly reduced psychosis risk compared with the UK-born white British group. All incidence rate ratios are adjusted for age and sex. The white British (UK-born) reference population is shown in green, with the white British (born overseas) shown in red. BME: black and minority ethnic. Data corresponding to this figure are presented in supplementary table 3.