1.0 | Background |
1.1 | Setting |
1.2 | Participants (age, sex, experience, ethnicity) |
1.3 | Seniority/particular interest |
1.4 | Facilitation notes |
1.5 | Components of ACP discussed |
1.6 | What wasn’t said |
1.7 | Other |
| |
2.0 | Patients’ attitudes to ACP/discussions |
2.1 | Patients encourage |
2.2 | Patients reluctant |
2.3 | Fear/changes patient outlook |
2.4 | Patients do not have ideas/wishes |
2.5 | Have discussed with others, for example, family |
2.6 | Other |
| |
3.0 | GPs’ attitudes to ACP/discussions |
3.1 | Important/beneficial |
3.2 | Feel comfortable discussing |
3.3 | Not convinced helpful |
3.4 | Find difficult |
3.5 | Needs flexibility/part of ongoing conversation |
3.6 | Other |
| |
4.0 | Timing of discussions |
4.1 | Early stage (pros and cons) |
4.2 | Happens later than would like |
4.3 | When illness progresses/discharge |
4.4 | Difficult to pick time |
4.5 | When patient prompts |
4.6 | Key event in their life/particular age |
4.7 | Other |
| |
5.0 | Barriers to ACP |
5.1 | Lack of training/inexperience |
5.2 | GP time |
5.3 | Family disagreement |
5.4 | Uncertainty/unclear prognosis/wishes may change |
5.5 | Clinical/cognitive issues |
5.6 | Bureaucracy/IT |
5.7 | Money/practical care limitations |
5.8 | Other |
| |
6.0 | Facilitators of ACP |
6.1 | Public awareness/information/change perception of dying |
6.2 | Standardise/make routine, for example, particular age |
6.3 | Knowing patient/family/situation (or not) |
6.4 | Patient discussion with others, for example, HCP, family |
6.5 | Float early/sowing seeds |
6.6 | Association with other planning, for example, wills |
6.7 | Campaigns and initiatives (for example, admission avoidance/2%) |
6.8 | Other |
ACP = advance care planning. HCP = healthcare professional.