Table 3.
Shared alleles among the studied taxa
R. bifrons |
R. ser. Radula |
R. ser. Glandulosi |
bif-Ca | bif-BM | epi | ind | vat | Gla-BM | Gla-Ca | |
Rub47a | 201/211/217/219 | 201/211/217/219 | 201/211/223/245 | 201/211/230 | 195/201/211 | 195/201/211/217/219/223/230/243 | 195/201/211/217/219/223/243/245 |
Rub76b | 199/205 | 199/205 | 193/199/205 | 199/205/211 | 193/199/205 | 193/199/205/211 | 193/199/205 |
Rub105b | 171/173/175/179 | 171/173/177/179 | 157/159/171/179 | 161/165/171/177 | 167/173/177 | 157/159/161/165/171/173/175/177 | 157/159/161/165/167/171/173/175/179 |
Rub123a | 152/153/167/175 | 152/153/167/175 | 152/153/157/159 | 153/157/167 | 153/167/183 (185) | 153/157/159/167/175 | 152/153/157/159/167/175/185 |
5K23 | 223/228 | 223/228 | 221/223/228 | 209/222/223/228 | 221/223/228 | 209/221/222/223/228 | 209/221/222/223 |
Rub238h | 140/149 | 140/149 | 140/149 | 140/149 | 140/149 | 140/149 | 140/149 |
72H02 | 234/238 | 234/238 | 234/238 | 234 | 234/238 | 234 | 234/238 |
1G16 | 203/208/216 | 203/208/216 | 208/221 | 203/216/230 | 216/245 | 203/216/221/232/237 | 203/216/221/233/236 |
1B06 | 198/200/204 | 198/200/204 | 198/200/204 | 192/198/200 | 196/198/200/204 | 192/196/198/200/204 | 192/196/198/200/204 |
Rub26a | 113/115/117 | 113/115/117 | 95/115/117/119 | 111/113/117/141 | 111/113/115/117 | 97/113/115/117/119/141 | 97/111/113/115/117/119/141 |
Rub35a | 268/272/318/322 | 268/272/318/322 | 246/272/284/322 | 268/272/316 | 260/268/272/322 | 268/272/284/318 | 268/272/284/318 |
Alleles not found in ser. Glandulosi are underlined, not found in R. bifrons are in bold, and alleles specific for ser. Radula are in italics. Primary hybrids and private alleles of R. bifrons and ser. Glandulosi are not shown for clarity. For the full data set, see Supplementary Data Table S9. Taxa names are abbreviated as in Table 1.