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. 2017 Apr 11;120(2):317–328. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcx033

Table 3.

Shared alleles among the studied taxa

R. bifrons
R. ser. Radula
R. ser. Glandulosi
bif-Ca bif-BM epi ind vat Gla-BM Gla-Ca
Rub47a 201/211/217/219 201/211/217/219 201/211/223/245 201/211/230 195/201/211 195/201/211/217/219/223/230/243 195/201/211/217/219/223/243/245
Rub76b 199/205 199/205 193/199/205 199/205/211 193/199/205 193/199/205/211 193/199/205
Rub105b 171/173/175/179 171/173/177/179 157/159/171/179 161/165/171/177 167/173/177 157/159/161/165/171/173/175/177 157/159/161/165/167/171/173/175/179
Rub123a 152/153/167/175 152/153/167/175 152/153/157/159 153/157/167 153/167/183 (185) 153/157/159/167/175 152/153/157/159/167/175/185
5K23 223/228 223/228 221/223/228 209/222/223/228 221/223/228 209/221/222/223/228 209/221/222/223
Rub238h 140/149 140/149 140/149 140/149 140/149 140/149 140/149
72H02 234/238 234/238 234/238 234 234/238 234 234/238
1G16 203/208/216 203/208/216 208/221 203/216/230 216/245 203/216/221/232/237 203/216/221/233/236
1B06 198/200/204 198/200/204 198/200/204 192/198/200 196/198/200/204 192/196/198/200/204 192/196/198/200/204
Rub26a 113/115/117 113/115/117 95/115/117/119 111/113/117/141 111/113/115/117 97/113/115/117/119/141 97/111/113/115/117/119/141
Rub35a 268/272/318/322 268/272/318/322 246/272/284/322 268/272/316 260/268/272/322 268/272/284/318 268/272/284/318

Alleles not found in ser. Glandulosi are underlined, not found in R. bifrons are in bold, and alleles specific for ser. Radula are in italics. Primary hybrids and private alleles of R. bifrons and ser. Glandulosi are not shown for clarity. For the full data set, see Supplementary Data Table S9. Taxa names are abbreviated as in Table 1.