Figure 7.
Distribution of repeated sequences and potentially informative SNPs in lupine plastomes. From the outer to the most inner circles. First circle: representation of genes content; second circle: potentially informative sites; third circle: SSRs (circles correspond to mononucleotides, squares stand for dinucleotides and triangles represent trinucleotides); fourth circle: direct repeat interspaced by < 3 kb; fifth circle: inverted repeat interspaced by < 3 kb; sixth circle: palindromic repeats. In the middle, full and dotted lines represent direct and inverted dispersed repeats (separated by > 3 kb), respectively. The endpoints of the 50-kb inversion, specific to the Papilionoid legumes20–22 and of the 36-kb inversion, specific to the Genistoid clade,15 are represented arrows.