Figure 4. Deletion of Shisa7 maintains glutamatergic synapses under basal conditions.
(a) Immunoblots of hippocampal synaptic membrane fractions from WT and Shisa7 KO mice (n = 4–5 each) do not reveal differences in abundance of AMPAR (MWU tests, GluA1, p=0.421; GluA2, p=1.000), NMDAR (GluN2a, p=0.841; GluN2b, p=0.841), PSD-95 (p=0.841), TARP (γ−8, p=0.841), Shisa9 (p=0.421) or Shisa6 (p=0.310), when expressed as fold change over WT samples. The signal was normalized to the total protein content. (b,c) To assess the quality of the glutamatergic synapse, the intensity of the AMPAR GluA2 subunit was measured (example b; c; n = 10 wells, with five wells from two independent cultures). There was no genotype difference observed (DIV14, p=0.759; DIV21, p=0.919). Scale bars are indicated (b). For total protein loading used for normalization, see Figure 4—figure supplement 2.