Fig. 2.
Both lax2 mutants and 35:HaHB4 leaves have enhanced asymmetry on lateral-vein attachment site of the midvein resulting in leaves with increased asymmetry in venation patterning. (A) Leaf diagram showing the parameters measured on the 5th leaf lamina. (B) Illustrative photographs of leaf number 5 and the corresponding inset showing a zoom on the third vein pair of Col-0, lax2-1, lax2-2, 35S:HaHB4, aux1-21, lax1, lax3, quad, arf6-2 and arf8-3 genotypes. Whole-leaf scale bar represents 0·5 cm, whereas leaf-inset scale bar represents 1·0 mm. (C) Average distance between the two attachment sites of the lateral veins of the third pair. (D) Lateral-vein asymmetry index calculated as described in Methods. Thin bars represent s.e. Different small letters indicate significant differences (P < 0·05, Tukey test).