Figure 3. QPCR for donor cells in draining lymph nodes of transplant recipients.
After SPECT/CT imaging, the mdLN were harvested. Genomic DNA was isolated and the Y-chromosome specific gene, Zfy1, was amplified using quantitative Real-time PCR. The presence of male donor-derived DNA in the female recipient lymph nodes at week one, five and ten post-transplant was calculated against a standard curve (a) with a known percentage of male DNA, which corresponds to a known number of cells. Allowing for quantification of the number of male donor-derived cells (b, **p = 0.0019) as a percentage (c, **p = 0.0019) of the total number of cells within the female lymph node. Shown is the mean ±SD of seven mice. The percentage of male cells present in the draining mediastinal lymph nodes at week one post-transplant from each individual mouse was correlated with the corresponding lymphatic flow index (d, ****p <0.0001) and the number of CD8+ cells (e, *p = 0.0081) within the donor graft at week one; the number of CD4+ cells; CD68+ cells; the number of vessels and the area of vessels within the donor graft at week one.