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. 2017 Dec 20;12(12):e0189152. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189152

Table 1. Clinical characteristics of the study cohort (N = 844) overall and within groups paired using the PSM method (N = 286).

Characteristics All infants Propensity-matched infants
Early caffeine Late caffeine P value Early caffeine Late caffeine P value
N = 676 N = 168 N = 143 N = 143
GA, weeks
    Mean ±SD 28.2 ±2.2 28.5 ±2.4 0.0680 28.6 ±2.1 28.5 ±2.4 0.9618
    Median (IQR) 28 (27–30) 29 (27–30) 29 (27–30) 29 (27–30)
Birth weight, g
    Mean ±SD 1118 ±357 1155 ±404 0.4397 1174 ±357 1168 ±406 0.8190
    Median (IQR) 1090 (840–1345) 1100 (845–1455) 1130 (895–1450) 1100 (850–1485)
    Male, n (%) 364 (54.3) 88 (53.0) 0.8277 77 (53.8) 76 (53.8) 1.0000
Place of birth
    Inborn, n(%) 576 (88.9) 147 (90.7) 0.5899 129 (90.2) 133 (93.0) 0.5223
    Outborn, n(%) 72 (11.1) 15 (9.3) 14 (9.8) 10 (7.0)
Mode of delivery
    C-section, n(%) 533 (79.6) 134 (80.7) 0.8194 111 (77.6) 115 (80.4) 0.6631
    Vaginal birth, n(%) 137 (20.4) 32 (19.3) 32 (22.4) 28 (19.6)
Apgar at 5 min.
    Mean ±SD 6.5 ±1.9 6.5 ±2.3 0.6388 6.6 ±2.1 6.5 ±6.5 0.9543
    Median (IQR) 7 (6–8) 7 (6–8) 7 (6–8) 7 (6–8)
Antenatal steroid use
    N (%)# 550 (82.3) 118 (71.5) 0.0026 106 (74.1) 106 (74.1) 1.0000
Intubation in the DR
    N (%) 349 (52.2) 91 (54.2) 0.7058 76 (53.1) 77 (53.8) 1.0000
Caffeine therapy, days
    Mean ±SD 37.8 ±23.3 24.8 ±19.3 0.0000 35.1 ±25 24.3 ±19.7 0.0000
    Median (IQR) 35 (20–52) 21.5 (9.8–36) 31 (19–48) 21 (9–35)

# data on antenatal steroids were unavailable for 11 neonates, including 8 infants in early caffeine and 3 infants in late caffeine groups.