Fig. 4.
2D 1H-13C HSQC spectra of the U-15N,13C-labeled Abl1b RM acquired on an 850 MHz spectrometer. (A) original Bruker pulse sequence (hsqcetgpsisp2.2, Fig. S3A); (B) replacing all 1H hard π pulses with G5; (C) replacing all 1H and 13C hard pulses with G5. (D) Overlay of 1D projections of (A) and (C). The numbers in (B) and (C) represent the ratios of the signal intensities of (B) and (A), and (C) and (A), respectively. Acquisition parameters: d1 = 1 sec, ns = 16 (number of scans), TD = 2k×256, p1 = 11.3 μs (length of 1H π/2 hard pulse), p3 = 11.2 μs (length of 13C π/2 hard pulse), the offsets of 1H and 13C are 4.7 and 75.0 ppm, respectively. The spectral width of the 13C dimension was 165 ppm.