Fig. 5.
Degradation process of the MAPbI3 thin film. a MIM images over 1 week with 35% relative humidity at 23 °C. Zoom-in AFM images on Days 0, 3, and 6 are shown to the left. Note that the fine features on large grains on Day 0 (inside dashed circles) are associated with crystal edges or terraces, which are common for polycrystalline thin films. The sample was only illuminated by the 532-nm laser during the MIM imaging for about 30 min at each frame. All scale bars are 1 μm. b Selected XRD and c TRPL data on MAPbI3 films prepared by the same method and exposed to the same conditions. The XRD peak at 2θ = 12.66° is associated with PbI2. d Schematic of the aging process due to the diffusion of water molecules through the PMMA layer, which drives the decomposition of MAPbI3 into CH3NH2 and HI in the gas phase and PbI2 in the solid phase