(A) Molecular targeting strategy for HIF-1α deletion. (B) Global breeding scheme for producing transgenic mice for experiments. For inducible models using VECAD-CreERT2 or Villin-CreERT2, the same breeding protocol was used and mice were treated with tamoxifen to produce recombination events. (C) Genotype identification from DNA tail by PCR to discriminate each mouse genotype. (D) Specific recombination events in endothelium or in epithelium in intestinal tissue. Recombination events were checked using ROSA26R reporter mice. LacZ staining of gut from VECad-Cre/ROSA26R mice, Villin-Cre/ROSA26R, and VECad-CreERT2/ROSA26R Villin-CreERT2/ROSA26R. (E) Relative HIF-1α mRNA expression in intestinal tissue from HIF-1αFL/FL mice, HIF-1αFL/FL VECad-Cre+/- mice, and HIF-1αFL/FL Villin-Cre+/- mice. Results are mean ± standard error of the mean with 12 mice per group. *P < .05 versus HIF-1αFL/FL group.