Figure 3.
Lateral diffusion of GFP GPI on neurites, effect of F-actin depolymerization. (A) Examples of QD-GFPGPI trajectories (left) are given, with the corresponding instantaneous D (Dinst, center) and Pc (right) plots. Dinst and Pc were calculated on the same sliding window (30 time points). (A1) Trajectory without confinement. (A2) Trajectory with multiple periods of confinement in areas ≤100 nm (Pcthresh= 406 μm−2). The detected periods are shown in color. (B) An average MSD plot of all QD-GFPGPI trajectories (black), portions of trajectories with Pc below (Pc ≤ Pcthresh, blue), or above (Pc >Pcthresh, red) threshold (n = 275–926 trajectories). (C) Distribution of D (median, box: 25–75% IQR, whiskers: 5–95%) for the trajectories in (B). (D) Mean Pc values of trajectories in control condition (con) or after latrunculin treatment (lat) (mean ± SE, Mann–Whitney test ∗∗∗p < 0.001, n = 40–70). (E) The percentage of confined trajectories (C1), in control conditions (con) and after latrunculin application (lat) (mean ± SE, t-test ∗∗p < 0.01, n = 40–70). To see this figure in color, go online.