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. 2017 Sep 1;181(9):237. doi: 10.1136/vr.103948


Prevalence by species and ocular clinical signs.

M. conjunctivae Chlamydiaceae
n Positive Prevalence (CI95) Positive Prevalence (CI95)
 With KC 12 4 33.3% (13.8 to 60.9) 2* 16.7% (4.7 to 44.8)
 Without KC 164 30 18.3% (13.1 to 24.9) 6 3.7% (1.7 to 7.7)
 Total 176 34 19.3% (14.2 to 25.8) 8 4.5% (2.3 to 8.7)
 With KC 2 1 50.0% (2.6 to 97.4) 0 0% (0 to 65.8)
 Without KC 156 14 9.0% (5.4 to 14.5) 3 1.9% (0.6 to 5.5)
 Total 158 15 9.5% (5.8 to 15.1) 3 1.9% (0.6 to 5.4)
Total 334 49 14.7% (11.3 to 18.9) 11 3.3% (1.8 to 5.8)

Summary of samples analysed (n), positives to qPCR (Positive) and prevalence (%) of M. conjunctivae and Chlamydiaceae in eye swabs of small domestic ruminants from the Central Karakoram National Park area, showed by ruminant species and by ocular clinical signs (KC)

*These two sheep were also positive to M. conjunctivae

KC, keratoconjunctivitis