Fig. 8.
Nicotine fails to enhance LLC tumor growth in vivo. C57BL/6J mice were injected s.c. with 1.5 × 106 LLC cells in both flanks. Once tumors formed, s.c. osmotic minipumps were implanted on day 0 to release 24 mg/kg nicotine daily for a total of 7 days. The left and right flank tumor volumes (length × width × height) were compared with the respective baseline tumor volumes to calculate fold change; the fold change values were averaged for each mouse. A linear mixed-model analysis revealed a significant effect of time [F(4,39) = 25.747, P < 0.001] and treatment [F(1,39) = 15.683, P < 0.001] but no interaction between time and treatment [F(4,39) = 2.560, P = 0.054]. n = 5–6/group. Data are expressed as the mean ± S.E.M.