LptA41 mutations and lptA41 suppressor phenotypes. (A) Ribbon diagram of E. coli LptA. Residues mutated by site-directed mutagenesis (I36, I38, R76, and K83) are indicated in red. The intragenic suppressor (lptA42 quintuple-mutant allele) encodes an additional amino acid change at the position indicated in green (M112). (B) OM permeability assay of the lptA41 strain and suppressor mutants. Serial 10-fold dilutions of stationary-phase cultures of AM604 (wild-type reference strain); PS001 (wild-type lptA control strain ectopically expressing lptAB); PS003 (ectopically expressing lptA41 lptB); and PS101, PS102, and PS103 (PS003 derivative suppressor mutants) were replicated on LD (for AM604) or LD-ampicillin agar plates supplemented with bacitracin (50 μg/ml), novobiocin (10 μg/ml), and rifampin (2.5 μg/ml), as indicated. (C) Cell lysates from AM604, PS001, PS003, PS101, PS102, and PS103 were analyzed by Western blotting with anti-LptA and anti-LPS antibodies as described in Materials and Methods. Culture samples with equal OD600 values were processed and loaded into each lane. The different electrophoretic mobility of LptA41 relative to LptA can be explained by the different net charge of the mutant protein. A nonspecific band was used as a loading control (LC).