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. 2017 Dec 20;17:784. doi: 10.1186/s12879-017-2889-4

Table 1.

Demographical characteristics of patients initiating HCV treatment by year of initiation and type of therapy, France, 2007–2015

Year PEG-IFN/RBV bitherapy 1st- wave protease inhibitors 2nd- wave direct-acting antivirals Totalb
n % men Mean age (SD) n % men Mean age (SD) n % men Mean age (SD) n % men Mean age (SD)
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women
2007 12,255 64.0 47.0 (10.4) 52.4 (12.8) 0 0 12,255 64.0 47.0 (10.4) 52.4 (12.8)
2008 11,317 65.3 47.1 (10.0) 52.1 (12.4) 0 0 11,317 65.3 47.1 (10.0) 52.1 (12.4)
2009 11,332 66.2 47.6 (9.9) 52.8 (12.1) 0 0 11,332 66.2 47.6 (9.9) 52.8 (12.1)
2010 9935 66.7 47.8 (10.2) 52.6 (12.0) 0 0 9935 66.7 47.8 (10.2) 52.6 (12.0)
2011 9565 67.1 48.2 (10.4) 54.1 (12.0) 1265 68.1 52.8 (9.0) 56.5 (10.3) 0 10,325 67.2 48.6 (10.4) 54.3 (11.9)
2012 7821 68.8 48.7 (10.7) 54.3 (12.5) 6037 65.4 51.9 (9.3) 57.3 (11.0) 0 12,488 67.4 49.9 (10.4) 55.6 (12.0)
2013 5640 71.8 47.7 (11.0) 54.5 (12.3) 3199 67.7 51.5 (9.6) 56.0 (11.6) 40 c c c 8382 70.5 48.9 (10.7) 55.2 (12.0)
2014 2969 74.8 47.9 (11.3) 55.0 (12.3) 474 70.9 50.1 (9.7) 53.4 (12.3) 8702 65.9 55.3 (9.2) 62.3 (10.9) 11,630 68.0 53.1 (10.5) 60.7 (11.7)
2015 536 83.4 38.7 (11.5) 49.1 (13.4) 35 c c c 14,650 64.4 54.9 (10.0) 62.1 (11.9) 15,189 65.1 54.2 (10.7) 61.9 (12.0)
Totala 53,794 66.4 47.1 (10.5) 52.7 (12.5) 10,260 66.5 51.8 (9.4) 56.7 (11.2) 22,565 64.8 55.1 (9.8) 62.2 (11.6) 72,277 65.6 48.9 (11.0) 55.0 (13.0)

PEG-IFN Pegylated Interferon α, RBV Ribavirin, SD standard deviation

aThe total for the 2007–2015 period is less than the sum of the annual numbers of patients because some patients may have initiated successive HCV treatments during the period. The total number of patients initiating a treatment (n = 72,277) during the 2007–2015 period is less than the sum of numbers of patients by type of therapy because some patients may have initiated successive HCV treatments with different types of therapies during the period

bThe annual number of patients initiating a treatment was less than the sum of the annual numbers of patients by type of therapy because some patients may have initiated successive HCV treatments with different types of therapies during the same year

cData not available because of small numbers