Fig. 7.
LINC00673 is co-expressed with SOX9. a Genome browser views of H3K4me1, H3K4me3, H3K27ac peaks and RNA expression track along SOX9 and LINC00673 loci on chromosome 17 in human chondrocytes. b Bar graphs showing SOX9 and LINC00673 expression in human tissues. Red bars indicate cartilage samples and blue bars indicate non-cartilage samples, respectively. Gene expression levels are shown as FPKM values. c Correlation between SOX9 and LINC00673 expression (Log2FPKM) in human tissues. Scatter plot of SOX9 against LINC00673 with regression lines showing a correlation between the two genes using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Red and blue dots indicates the tissues with SOX9 Log2FPKM value greater or less than 1, respectively. Cartilage samples are highlighted as purple dots. The blue regression line was generated with data from all tissues. The red regression line was generated with data from the tissues that have SOX9 FPKM value ≥1. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient for each regression line is shown