Figure 4.
Significant increase in gross hypermethylation of promoters in h2afv morphants, with both hyper- and hypo-methylation observed at base pair resolution (A) The number of CpGs sites detected in the RRBS experiment is illustrated by gene elements annotation with different colors. Methylated CpG site is defined as >75% aligned reads at this locus are methylated, while non-methylated CpG site is defined as <25% aligned reads at this locus are not methylated. (B) Common CpGs bases are those detected in both control and h2afv morphants (MO) with minimum coverage 5. Hypermethylated CpGs are higher in h2afv MO and Hypomethylated are lower in h2afv MO, while the difference of methylation at each CpG site is larger that 10%. Different gene elements are marked with color, respectively. * denotes P < 0.05 using the Chi-squared test (C) A hypermethylated region of chromosome 18 in epigenome browser view. In the top panel, methylation difference at common CpG sites between h2afv MO and control, increased methylation in h2afv MO is displayed in blue, and in red for the control. The individual panels below display the overall view of methylation in h2afv MO (in blue) and control (in red). The sequence and annotation are also represented in this panel.