Should have specific ICU training related to: Technological equipment
Severity of illness
Psychological stressors
Handling difficult situations of the ICU
Commonly used terminology and abbreviations
The roles of other personnel and healthcare team members in the ICU:
Consider the size of the animal
Consider hypoallergenic breeds
Verify the animal is:
Registered with a national AAI group
At least one year of age
Receiving veterinary care with all appropriate vaccinations and medical approvals (i.e., negative fecal, no open sores or wounds, no digestive issues)
Properly bathed/groomed before each session
Behaviorally neutral to hospital smells, sounds, surfaces,
The following patient factors should be evaluated with input from healthcare staff and/or family caregivers prior to each AAI session: Psychological disposition
Desire for animal interaction
Options for physical engagement in AAI session based on:
To ensure safety, it is imperative that healthcare staff participate with animal handler in preparing and maintaining a safe environment. The following is necessary for each AAI session:
Adjust lines/tubes to prevent dislodgement
Cover any open areas on skin
Wash hands before and after (patient, healthcare staff, and handler)
Provide adequate lighting
Apply glasses or hearing aids if applicable
Place the head of the bed in an upright position
Adjust room temperature appropriately
The handler should also locate the nearest exit to ensure the animal can be quickly and easily removed in a crisis situation. |