Fig. 5.
Biochemical assay of the four cloned Nepeta ISY enzymes as measured by GC-MS. A. GC-MS chromatograms showing authentic standards of substrate 8-oxogeranial, as well as cis-trans-nepetalactol, cis-trans-iridodial and trans-cis-iridodial. Enzymes from C. roseus, N. cataria (family 2) and N. mussinii (family 2) all have nearly identical product profiles. ISY from N. cataria (family 1) and N. mussinii (family 1) have very low catalytic activity. B. Product profiles of ISY from N. cataria (family 1) and N. mussinii (family 1) compared to that of C. roseus. To show trace levels of product, the chromatograms in this panel are normalized to their individual maximum signal intensity within the depicted range.